Monday, October 1, 2012

Several Observations As I Ride The Subway Home - Thursday 9-27-12 By Allan Raible:

1. When you sit in front of the map, you will have strangers leaning down, invading your personal space. (This includes their B.O.)

2. If the woman and man who were standing in front of me and arguing passive-aggressively with each other are a couple, my guess is that they very soon won't be. She's very attractive but seems like she's on her last
 nerve and he comes off as a smug self-absorbed and self-satisfied jerk. He keeps coyly smiling at her, thinking he's funny and making cracks. She keeps saying, "Enough. Shut up!"

3. The older gentleman sitting across from me obviously dyes his hair. That shade of yellow does not exist in nature, sir.

4. Somebody will always step on your feet when you are sitting on a crowded rush-hour train.

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